The Chartered College of Teaching’s upcoming Graduation Ceremony will take place on Saturday 16th November 2024 and will be a joint celebratory day with our Annual General Meeting also taking place.

The Chartered College of Teaching’s Graduation Ceremony was held on Saturday 11th November 2023.

Please find information below about our most recent celebration of our latest Chartered Graduates.

What to expect on the day

Guests heard from Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching. On the day, we also had:

⚬ Presentation of Chartered certificates
⚬ Professional photography [booking required]
⚬ Drinks and canapes.

Members heard from our key speakers The Rt Honourable Justine Greening and Carolyn Roberts, Headteacher and Chair of the Ethical Leadership Commission.

We celebrated the hard work, commitment and success of our latest Chartered Graduates as they receive their Chartered Teacher status accreditation.