Shaping the future of education with the Chartered College of Teaching

With a new government in place, recent pay awards, Ofsted reform and an air of optimism, we’re standing at the threshold of an exciting chapter for the teaching profession. As education takes centre stage in national debates, your voice as a teacher has never been more crucial. This is your moment to make a difference, and the Chartered College of Teaching is here to amplify your voice and support your journey.

Empowering a knowledgeable and respected teaching profession through membership and accreditation.

Why the time is now to join

The evolving political landscape has created a unique opportunity for us to bring teachers’ expertise and evidence to the heart of government decision-making. By joining the Chartered College of Teaching, you’re not just becoming a member – you’re becoming part of a movement that’s shaping the future of education.

Here’s what membership offers you:

🔵 Stay informed: Access cutting-edge articles and research to keep you at the forefront of educational developments.

🔵 Share your expertise: Contribute your insights and experiences through published articles, influencing the wider teaching community.

🔵 Professional growth: Embrace the chartered pathway, specialising in areas like pedagogy, curriculum and assessment.

🔵 Recognition: Gain accreditation as an expert classroom teacher, acknowledging the transformative impact you have on pupils’ lives.

Your voice matters

As a member of the Chartered College of Teaching, you’ll have opportunities to have your say and influence education policy. We’re committed to ensuring your voice is heard, your expertise is recognised, and your experiences shape the policies that define our classrooms.

Remember, you’re doing an amazing job every day, transforming lives in your classroom. Now is the time to share that invaluable knowledge with colleagues across the profession through the Chartered College of Teaching – your professional body, working tirelessly on your behalf.

Spread the word

We need your help to build a community of committed educators who can drive meaningful change. Tell your friends and colleagues about the Chartered College of Teaching. Share how membership has empowered you and how it can do the same for them.

For school leaders

Consider group membership for your staff. When we invest in our teachers, we’re investing in the future of our pupils. It’s a powerful way to show your commitment to professional development and excellence in education.

Nominate a Fellow

Do you know an outstanding educator who embodies excellence? Nominate them as a Fellow of the Chartered College. Your nomination could be the key to recognising and empowering another exceptional teacher, further strengthening our professional community.

Don’t let this moment pass. Seize it. Join us in bringing teachers’ expertise and evidence to the heart of this new government. Together, we can drive meaningful change that reflects the realities of our profession and benefits the pupils we serve.

Now is the time. Let’s shape the future of education, together.

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